  1. What the Frack

From the recording What the Frack

After making two songs about mountaintop removal, I thought it would be a good idea to move from my father's home territory to my own, and make one about fracking. One of the few made-to-order songs that I thought worked well!


What the frack are you doing to the land, gas man?What the frack are you doing to the land?You won't even tell what you're putting in the well,What the frack are you doing to the land?
It's innovative high-tech engineering,The fracking they are doing to the land,It's lucrative high-stakes profiteering,The fracking they are doing to the land,
It's a secret solution, it's hidden pollution,The fracking they are doing to the land,It's poison that goes where nobody knows,The fracking they are doing to the land.
It's rock-breaking, earth-shaking, profit-taking,The fracking they are doing to the land,It's a wastewater spill just over the hill,The fracking they are doing to the land.
It's poison in the rock, it's poison in the water,The fracking they are doing to the land,It's poison in the future of your sons and daughters,The fracking they are doing to the land.
final chorus:
What the frack are you doing to the land, gas man?What the frack are you doing to the land?There's poison in our well and we're livin in hell,What the frack are you doing to the land?